Ants are fascinating creatures known for their industrious nature and complex social structures. However, when they invade our homes, they become unwelcome guests, foraging for food and water and often building colonies within our living spaces. Food preparation areas, such as a kitchen counter with a few sugary treats or spilled juice, are very appetizing […]
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Kinds of Ants: Identifying Common Ants in Oregon
We love living in Oregon! Our mild temperatures make it a great place to call home year-round. But somebody else also loves our temperate climate and high moisture levels: ants. Thanks to its weather patterns, Oregon is home to different kinds of ant species. Some of the most common species in our state range from […]
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How can you get rid of ants is the first thing that comes to mind when facing an infestation. If you see ants in your home, there can likely be many more you are not seeing. An ant infestation: you hate to see it and definitely want to avoid it. Taking preventative measures, in addition […]
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